"The Prime Minister of Great Britain is a man too ill to be holding the Office." This was the conclusion last week of a senior civil servant liaising regularly with Gordon Brown. For reasons which will become clear, the person involved will not go public with the evidence for this conclusion. The same applies to a high-ranking Treasury official who told us "In both a physical and mental sense, the Prime Minister is a very sick man, seriously disabled." Three years ago, an Opposition MP told nby "He is on extremely heavy doses of cutting-edge anti-depressants, but so far they have made little difference". And during the last fortnight, another high-ranking government source claimed "He is now on pills which restrict the foods he can eat and what he can drink. He is losing the sight of his good eye quite rapidly. It's a mess, and nobody knows what to do".
H/T John Ward via Old Holborn
If he were a horse..............
ReplyDeleteOR, were he a horse, he wouldn't have been allowed free rein to ruin the Country!
ReplyDeleteThe horse would do a better job than Brown, Lawson, and if it stepped out of line we could shoot it! Brilliant picture.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a great graphic Lawson.