Monday 6 April 2009

Harman pledges action on expenses

Ms Harman acknowledged that the reputation of Parliament had suffered "big damage" as Chancellor Alistair Darling became the latest member of the Cabinet to be dragged into the controversy over the taxpayer-funded allowances paid to MPs.


  1. Do this lot also rent out their grace and favour pads? Bet they do.

  2. "Do this lot also rent out their grace and favour pads?" Asks Oldrightie, yes, to facilitate arse sex with rent boys, fucking degenerates.

    Harriet 'Slapper' Harman needs to recognise righteous Public ANGER by placing her minging munted head beneath the wheels of a bus, a.s.a.p. .


But there's no one to check

  "Political World" We live in a political world Love don't have any place We're living in times ...